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Environmental Policy Statement

Environmental Policy Statement

Warwick Test Supplies Limited provides test equipment and supplies to the electronics, aerospace, security, education and automotive industries. In doing so we develop and manufacture innovative solutions to connection problems and also act as a franchised distributor for a number of highly respected brands.

We recognise that our activities have environmental implications which can potentially be detrimental to the environment both locally and on a wider scale.  We are committed to reducing these effects, understand that effective management of our environment make business sense and is a fundamental and integral part of our business strategy.

Warwick Test Supplies is committed to:

  • Meet or exceed the environmental legislation that relates to the Company /the Company’s business.
  • Protect the environment by preventing pollution of land, air, or water via leakage of liquids gases or solids. Any bulk liquids will be stored in purpose designed lockers.
  • Minimise waste by evaluating operations and ensuring they are as efficient as possible.
  • Manage waste generated from the business operations according to the principles of reduction, re-use and recycling.
  • Dispose of all waste in a responsible manner ensuring that as many waste materials as possible are recycled via waste contractors.
  • Conserving the use of resources such as:
  • Ensuring lights, electrical appliances, heating systems and machinery is maintained and operated in an efficient manner.
  • Avoid waste and encourage conservation, re-use and recycling.
  • Reduce, wherever possible, air, land and water pollution, e.g. Solvent use, motor exhaust etc
  • Train our employees and any subcontractors to work in accordance with this policy and encourage personnel effort to avoid and prevent environmental damage. At all times promote a culture of environmental awareness and to re-use/ recycle company materials wherever possible. 
  • Operate our management procedures to include environmental factors during business planning and implementation.
  • Involve customers, suppliers and subcontractors in the implementation of our objectives by requiring them to also have proper regard for environmental issues for the goods and services they provide.
  • Identify and manage environmental risks and hazards.
  • Promote environmentally friendly responsible purchasing.
  • Where appropriate take steps to improve the environmental efficiency of our transport and business travel.

This Policy Statement will be reviewed regularly and updated as necessary. Although the Managing Director has ultimate responsibility for our environmental performance, all employees have a responsibility in the development and implementation of our environmental management systems, procedures and to contribute through communication, training, and commitment to its implementation.